Screen Time! Android and Apple.Whats the difference?
Apple screen snip Iphone or Android? Screen Time! It's Here, Finally! New Feature great benefits for personal devices, family members and business. IOS 12 Screen Time: Application Time Limits: Time limit's allow you to restrict how many minutes or hours per day you can use a particular application. This can be extremely helpful if you find yourself spending to much time on a specific application or if you have teenagers or young children that need to focus on more important things such as homework or learning the basics at school through homework. Downtime: This is another neat feature that expands on application time limits. Downtime allows only certain applications to be available before going to bed. Access to all applications are cut off other than to the few applications you're allow to white list. Screen time Statistics: Want to know how many notifications you get in a day, week, or month? Screen time stats will show you. Tra...